Pretreatment is the first step once we receive the greige fabric from weavers. This greige is
analyzed and the most appropiate process is defined for each fabric. Pretreatment is the
key to get good performance fabrics and will define the properties in following steps.

The goal of the combination of the different processes carried out in our facilities is:
Removing ‘size’ introduced in a previous step to weave (sizing).
Removing impurities associated to fibers (natural or synthetic).
Increasing water absorption, performance and affinity for dyestuffs or chemical products
Increasing whiteness degree when necessary
Our fabric pretreatment processes are as follows:
Greige fabric is passed through a gas flame to burn oƯ any projecting fibres, yarn ends or
fuzz, getting a much cleaner fabric with better performance.
The techniques depend on the ‘size’. It is mainly carried out with enzymes or detergents.
Once ‘size’ is removed, the fabric will show water absorption and affinity for dyestus.
Chemical process to treat the fabric with the aim of removing oil, fat, wax and other
impurities (natural or synthetic). The result is a high water absorption fabric.
Chemical process during greige is decolourised by removing components from fibers to get
a white and water absorption fabric.
Chemical treatment with caustic soda that is carried out in the fabric, getting swollen and
aligned fibers and consequently increasing the brightness and dyestuffs performance in
dyeing step.